My Youtube channel: “What is cybersecurity?”

TL;DR: subscribe to my channel What is cybersecurity?

I’ve been a little quiet here recently, and that’s a result of a number of events coinciding, including a fair amount of travel (hello Bilbao, hello Shanghai!), but also a decision I made recently to create a YouTube channel. “Are there not enough YouTube channels already?” you might reasonably ask. Well yes, there are lots of them, but I’ve become increasingly aware that there don’t seem to be any which provide short, easy-to-understand videos covering the basics of cybersecurity. I’m a big proponent of encouraging more people into cybersecurity, and that means that there need to be easily-found materials that beginners and those interested in the field can consume, and where they can ask for more information about topics that they don’t yet understand. And that’s what seems to be missing.

There are so many different concepts to get your head around in cybersecurity, and although I’ve been running this blog for quite a while, many of the articles I write are aimed more at existing practitioners in the field. More important than that, I’m aware that there’s a huge potential audience out there of people who prefer to consume content in video format. And, as any of you who have actually met me in real life, or seen me speak at conferences, I enjoy talking (!) and explaining things to people.

So my hopes are three-fold:

  1. that even if the channel’s current content is a little basic for you now, as I add more videos, you’ll find material that’s useful and interesting to you;
  2. that you’ll ask questions for me to answer – even if I don’t post a response immediately, I’ll try to get to your topic when it’s appropriate;
  3. that you’ll share the channel widely with those you work with: we need to encourage more people to get involved in cybersecurity.

So, please subscribe, watch and share: What is cybersecurity? And I’ll try to keep interesting and useful content coming.

Executive Director: executing direction, or directing execution?

What does an Executive Director do?

Towards the end of April this year (2023), I joined the Confidential Computing Consortium as the Executive Director, and I thought it might be interesting to reflect on what that means. I’ve been involved with the CCC since its foundation in October 2019: in fact, I was one of those who helped shape it and move it to foundation from its inception a few months earlier. I have, at various times, acted as the Red Hat (Premier Member) representative on the Governing Board, project representative for Enarx, Treasurer, member as part of Profian, and General Member representative before a brief period of a couple of months as we closed down Profian where I wasn’t involved. I’ve spoken for the CCC at conferences, staffed booths, written blog posts, contributed to white papers, helped commission a market report, recruit members and pretty much everything else that is involved in a Linux Foundation project. It’s been a fairly large part of my professional life for approaching four years.

So I was very happy to be invited to become invited to apply to be Executive Director, a position that had been mooted while I was still involved in the consortium, but which I’d had no expectation of being approached about. But what does an Executive Director do? I don’t see any reason not to share a cut-down version of the role description as per the contract (redacted just for brevity, and not any reasons of confidentiality):

  • Attending events, speaking, providing booth presence, etc.
  • Blogging as appropriate, participating in podcasts, etc. to raise awareness about the CCC and its mission.
  • Engage premier and general members to encourage involvement and solicit feedback, helping the governing board set goals and milestones if appropriate, and generally taking the pulse of the organization from the members’ perspective.
  • Recruit new membership from relevant organizations.
  • Recruit new projects to the CCC.
  • Attend Governing Board meetings and report on work to date and plans for the next period. Report out via simple slides for the governing board presentation.

This is a short but very broad brief and it raises the question: does an Executive Director direct things (are they foremost a manager?) or execute things (are they foremost a task performer?)?

The answer, of course, will vary from organisation to organisation and I know that is true even between the Executive Directors for different Linux Foundation projects, but for me, it’s a (sometimes uneasy) “both”. Member organisations are both blessed and plagued by the fact that, to start with, nothing gets done unless members’ employees do it. They need to arrange meetings, organise conference attendance, manage webinars, write white papers and all the rest. They may get some implementation help for some of these (the Linux Foundation, for example, has a number of functions which can provide help for particular specialist functions like marketing, research or project management), but most of it is run by the members and their employees. And then they get to the stage where they decide that they need some help at a senior level.

What does that person do? Well, here are some words that I think of when I consider my role:

  • support
  • chivy
  • encourage
  • recruit
  • explain
  • advertise
  • represent
  • engage
  • report

You’ll note that some of these are words that are about working with people or members (e.g. support, engage, encourage), whereas others are more about doing things (e.g. advertise, explain, represent). The former feel more like the “directing” part of the role and the latter feel more like the “executing” part of the role. Obviously, they’re not mutually incompatible, and some of the words can lean in both directions, which makes it even more clear to me that it’s hybrid role that I’m fulfilling.

Given my hybrid background (as a techie with business experience), this feels appropriate, and I need to keep ensuring that I balance the time I spend on different activities carefully: I can neither spend all my time on making technical comments on a draft report on GRC (governance, risk management and compliance) nor on considering recruitment options for new members in the Asia Pacific region. But at the same time, it feels sensible that, as someone tasked with having an overview of the organisation, I keep at least some involvement (or knowledge of) all the major moving parts.

It doesn’t change the fact, however, that things only really get done when members get involved, too. This is one of those areas where it’s entirely clear to me that I can only execute tasks to a certain level: this has to be a collaborative role, which frankly suits me and my management style very well. The extent to which I keep an eye on most things, and the balance of work between me, members and other functions of the organisation are likely to change as we continue to grow, but for now, I’m very much enjoying the work I’m doing (and the interactions with the people I’m doing it with) and juggling the balance of executing versus direction.

7 tips on how not to be a good boss

The more of these you adopt style, the more successful you’re going to be (at not being a good boss).

Dedicated to AB: who helped me get it right (the times that I did).

I’ve written “how not to” guides before (e.g. 7 tips on how not to write a book, 7 tips on how not to write a book, 7 tips on how not to write a book), but now that I’m not a boss anymore (after we closed down Profian earlier this year), I feel there’s enough space between when I was a boss and now for me to write my latest. I’m not pretending I was the best boss in the world (though one of my previous employees just sent me a mug saying “World’s Best Boss” – just sayin’), but I tried to model good behaviour and a healthy work environment. I had to work at this: it’s not my default place of comfort. So if I can get how you’re supposed to do it, then hopefully anyone can.

Note: please, please recognise that this is satire. Please.

1. Don’t ask how your employees are

Some people start off meetings with small talk. This is not what you want. They find out what participants have been up to, what they plan to do over the weekend, and other irrelevant “EQ” stuff like that. None of this is related to business and is a distraction from the work that your employees are paid to do. In fact, that you are paid (or pay yourself) to do. It’s a waste of time, and time is money, so it’s a waste of money, particularly when it’s your time and your money. You don’t need to know other people, their views of priorities to work with them or manage them. Give them tasks, get a move on.

2. Expect the same commitment from your employees that you put in

You may be paid more than everyone else (if you’re not, then why not? Fix that!), and the organisation for which you work is what defines you and everything about you, and this may not be true for everybody else you manage, but that’s no excuse for them not giving everything (their workday, their evenings, their weekends, their health – emotional, physical, spiritual, mental) for the company. That goes for the lowest paid to the highest paid employee (you). If they’re not giving it their all at all times, they don’t deserve a job. Get on with it.

3. Family? Friends? Pets? What do I care?

People get ill? Maybe. What’s that to do with me? You’re paid to do a job, and that job doesn’t include your taking time off to look after them. And certainly not pets. Pets aren’t even people. So they can’t be family. Ridiculous. They can make their own way to the doctor/vet. Oh, and by “taking time off”, I include evenings and weekends when you should be doing as I do and committing every last minute of your time to the company (see previous note).

4. Talk, don’t listen

You’ve been a junior person (unless Daddy/Mummy promoted you directly to where you are, in which case, well done), and so you know all of the important things: there’s nothing else that people need to teach you. This means that you can tell them what needs to happen, and if things don’t happen as they should, then that’s their fault for not paying sufficient attention to you and your words of wisdom – or just being too stupid to understand. In either case, disciplinary proceedings are likely to follow. And not for you, absolutely not.

5. Apportion blame, take credit

When things go wrong (which they often do – see above), then it’s not your fault. Make that clear. Spread blame. However, when things happen to go right, we all know who that’s down to, don’t we? You. Your leadership. Your vision. Your management. Even if you don’t actually know much about what went right, you can still take the credit. What a brilliant boss you are.

6. Keep information close to you

Most people don’t need to know things. Provide the very least that they need to do their jobs – or, preferably, even less than that: make them work it out themselves. If they need information, you have leverage. You can get them to work harder, or take on new tasks, or hold off from that raise that you’ve been dangling in front of them for the past 18 months. This is also useful when taking credit for things your team has done: if nobody else knows the details, there’s less chance that they’ll try to question you on it.

7. Expect telepathy

You can’t do everything. This is both a blessing and a curse, in that you have less control, but more free time (or time to do the things you find important, which is nearly the same thing, or should at least seem to be the same thing to your employees). This means that you have to delegate. There are four methods to delegate:

  1. Research – get a subordinate to research options and report back so you can make a decision.
  2. Updates – the subordinate does the work, reporting back to you as required across the duration of the tasks.
  3. Done – the subordinate does the work, and tells you when it’s complete.
  4. Exterminate – you hand the task completely over to the subordinate, to be completed or killed the task at their discretion, no need to inform you.

You’ll note that these form an acrostic: “RUDE”. This is because it would be rude of you to give any clues as to which of these models you expect when you tell someone do to a task. They should be able to work it out themselves telepathically and, again, the less information you give them, the more opportunities there are for it to be their fault when it goes wrong.

I hope this last of tips is useful for anyone wanting not to be a good boss. I can pretty much guarantee that the more of these you adopt in your management style, the more successful you’re going to be (at not being a good boss). Good luck!

SVB & finance stress: remember the (other) type of security

Now is the time for more vigilance, not less.

This is the week that the start-up world has been reeling after the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. There have been lots of articles about it and about how the larger ecosystem (lawyers, VCs, other banks and beyond) have rallied to support those affected, written (on the whole, at least!) by people much better qualified than me to do so. But there’s another point that could get lost in the noise, and that’s the opportunity presented to bad actors by all of this.

When humans are tired, stressed, confused or have too many inputs, they (we – I’ve not succumbed to the lure of ChatGPT yet…) are prone to make poor decisions, or to take less time over decisions – even important decisions – than they ought to. Sadly, bad people know this, and that means that they will be going out of their way to exploit us (I’m very aware that I’m as vulnerable to this type of exploitation as anybody else). The problem is that when banks start looking dodgy, or when money is at stake, people need to do risky things. And these are often risky things which involve an awful lot of money, things like:

  • withdrawing large amounts of money
  • moving large amounts of money between accounts
  • opening new accounts
  • changing administrative access permissions and privileges on accounts
  • adding new people as administrators on accounts.

All of the above are actions (or involve actions) which we would normally be very careful about, and take very seriously (though that doesn’t stop us making the occasional mistake). The problem (and the opportunity for bad actors) is that when we’re stressed or in a hurry (as we’re likely to be in the current situation), we may pay less attention to important steps than we might otherwise. We might not enable multi-factor authentication, we might not check website certificates, we might click-through on seemingly helpful offers in emails to help us out, or we might not check the email addresses to which we’re sending invitations. All of these could lead bad folks to get at our money. They know this, and they’ll be going out of their way to find ways to encourage us to make mistakes, be less careful or hurry our way through vital processes.

My plea, then, is simple: don’t drop your guard because of the stress of the current situation. Now is the time for more vigilance, not less.

What’s your website’s D&D alignment?

This is the impression – often the first impression – that users of the website get of the organisation.

Cookies and Dungeons and Dragons – a hypothesis

Recent privacy legislation has led organisations to have to adopt ways of allowing their users to register their cookie preference in ways which expose the underlying motivations of the org. I have a related theory, and it goes like this: these different registration options allow you to map organisations to one of the 9 Dungeons and Dragons character alignments.

This may seem like a bit of a leap, but stick with me. First, here’s a a little bit of background for those readers who’ve never dabbled in (or got addicted to -there’s little room between the two extremes) the world of Dungeons and Dragons (or “D&D”). There are two axes used to describe a character: Lawful-Neutral-Chaotic and Good-Neutral-Evil. Each character has a position across each of these axes, so you could have someone who’s Lawful-Good, one who’s Chaotic Neutral or one who’s Neutral-Good, for instance (a “Neutral-Neutral” character is described as “True Neutral”). A Lawful character follows the law – or a strong moral code, whereas a Chaotic one just can’t be bothered. A Neutral character tends to do so when it suits them. The Good-Neutral-Evil axis should be pretty clear.

Second bit of background: I never just accept cookies on a website. I always go through the preferences registration options, and almost always remove permissions for all cookie tracking beyond the “minimum required for functionality”. I know I’m in a tiny minority in this, but I like to pretend that I can safeguard at least some of my private data, so I do it anyway (and so should you). I’ve noticed, over the past few months, that there are a variety of ways that cookie choices are presented to you, and I reckon that we can map several of these to these D&D alignments, giving us a chance to get a glimpse into the underlying motivation of the organisation whose website we’re visiting.

I’ve attempted to map the basic approaches I’ve seen into this table.

Lawful GoodNeutral GoodChaotic Good
Functional cookies only by default.No cookies, and a link to a long and confusing explanation about how the organisation doesn’t believe in them.No cookies at all, no explanation.
Lawful NeutralTrue Neutral Chaotic Neutral
Functional and tracking cookies by default, clear what tracking cookies are; all easy to turn off.Functional and tracking cookies by default, completely unclear what the cookies do.Random selection of cookies, and it’s unclear what they do, but you can at least turn them off.
Lawful EvilNeutral EvilChaotic Evil
All cookies by default: functional, tracking and legitimate uses.  Easy to remove with “reject all” or “object all”.All cookies by default.  “Legitimate uses” need to be deselected individually.All cookies by default, with 100s listed.  You have to deselect them by hand (there’s no “reject all” or “object all”), and there’s a 2 to 5 minute process to complete the registration, which finishes on 100% but never completes.
D&D alignments and website cookie preference approaches

Clearly, this is a tongue-in-cheek post, but there’s an important point here, I think: even if this glimpse isn’t a true representation of the organisation, it’s the impression – often the first impression – that users of the website get. My view of an organisation is formed partly through my interaction with its website, and while design, layout and content are all important, of course, the view that is presented about how much (if at all) the organisation cares about my experience, my data and my privacy should be something that organisations really care about. If they don’t respect me, then why should I respect them?

If I’m trying to attract someone to work for me, partner with me or buy from me, then my marketing department should be aware of the impression that visitors to my website glean from all interactions. At the moment, this seems to be missing, and while it’s not difficult to address, it seems to have escaped the notice of most organisations up to this point.

The 9 development stages for software (and kids)

We can draw parallels in the stages through which software projects and children tend to progress.

This week, one of my kids turned 18, and is therefore an adult – at least in the eyes of law in the UK, where we live. This is scary. For me, and probably for the rest of the UK.

It also got me thinking about how there are similarities between the development lifecycle for software and kids, and that we can probably draw some parallels in the stages through which they tend to progress. Here are the ones that occurred to me.

1. Creation

Creating a new software project is very easy, and a relatively quick process, though sometimes you have a huge number of false starts and things don’t go as planned. The same, it turns out, applies when creating children. Another similarity is that many software projects are created by people who don’t really know what they’re doing, and shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near the process at all. Equally useless at the process are people who have only a theoretical understanding of how it should work, having studied it at school, college or university, but who feel that they are perfectly qualified.

The people who are best qualified – those who have done it before – are either rather blasé about it and go about creating new ones all over the place, or are so damaged by it all that they swear they’ll never do it again. Beware: there are also numerous incidents of people starting software processes at very young ages, or when they had no intention of doing so.

2. Naming

Naming a software project – or a baby – is an important step, as it’s notoriously difficult to change once you’ve assigned a name. While there’s always a temptation to create a “clever” or “funny” name for your project, or come up with an alternative spelling of a well-known word, you creation will suffer if you allow yourself to be so tempted. Use of non-ASCII characters will either be considered silly, or, for non-Anglophone names, lead to complications when your project (or child) is exposed to other cultures.

3. Ownership

When you create a software project, you need to be careful that your employer (or educational establishment) doesn’t lay claim to it. This is rarely a problem for human progeny (if it is, you really need to check your employment contract), but issues can arise when two contributors are involved and wish to go their separate ways, or if other contributors – e.g. mothers-in-law – feel that their input should have more recognition, and expect more of their commits to be merged into main.

4. Language choice

The choice of language may be constrained by the main contributors’ expertise, but support for multiple languages can be very beneficial to a project or child. Be aware that confusion can occur, particularly at early stages, and it is generally worthwhile trying to avoid contributors attempting to use languages in which they are not fluent.

5. Documentation

While it is always worthwhile being aware of the available documentation, there are many self-proclaimed “experts” out there, and much conflicting advice. Some classic texts, e.g. The C Programming Language by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie or Baby and Child Care by Dr Benjamin Spock, are generally considered outdated in some circles, while yet others may lead to theological arguments. Some older non-core contributors (see, for example, “mothers-in-law”, above), may have particular attachments to approaches which are not considered “safe” in modern software or child development.

6. Maintenance

While the initial creation step is generally considered the most enjoyable in both software and child development processes, the vast majority of the development lifecycle revolves around maintenance. Keeping your project or child secure, resilient and operational or enabling them to scale outside the confines of the originally expected environment, where they come into contact with other projects, can quickly become a full-time job. Many contributors, at this point, will consider outside help to manage these complexities.

7. Scope creep

Software projects don’t always go in the direction you intend (or would like), discovering a mind of their own as they come into contact with external forces and interacting in contexts which are not considered appropriate by the original creators. Once a project reaches this stage, however, there is little that can be done, and community popularity – considered by most contributors as a positive attribute at earlier stages of lifecycle – can lead to some unexpected and possibly negative impacts on the focus of the project as competing interests vie to influence the project’s direction. Careful management of resources (see below) is the traditionally approach to dealing with this issue, but can backfire (withdrawal of privileges can have unexpected side effects in both software and human contexts).

8. Resource management

Any software project always expands to available resources. The same goes for children. In both cases, in fact, there will always appear to be insufficient resources to meet the “needs” of the project/child. Be strong. Don’t give in. Consider your other projects and how they could flourish if provided with sufficient resources. Not to mention your relationships with other contributors. And your own health/sanity.

9. Hand-over

At some point, it becomes time to hand over your project. Whether this is to new lead maintainer (or multiple maintainers – we should be open-minded), to an academic, government or commercial institution, letting go can be difficult. But you have to let go. Software projects – and children – can rarely grow and fulfil their potential under the control of the initial creators. When you do manage to let go, it can be a liberating experience for you and your creation. Just don’t expect that you’ll be entirely free of them: for some reason, as the initial creator, you may well be expected to arrange continued resources well past the time you were expecting. Be generous, and enjoy the nostalgia, but you’re not in charge, so don’t expect the resources to be applied as you might prefer.


I’m aware that there are times when children – and even software projects – can actually cause pain and hurt, and I don’t want to minimise the negative impact that the inability to have children, their illness, injury or loss can have on individuals and families. Please accept this light-hearted offering in the spirit it is meant, and if you are negatively affected by this article, please consider accessing help and external support.

Closing Profian

In June 2021, a little under two years ago, I left Red Hat and joined Profian as the CEO – Chief Executive Officer. In mid-January 2023, we – the board – decided to close down the company. All 14 members of the company are looking for new jobs.

I’ve not been blogging much recently, and it’s been because I’ve been busy trying to sort out what we do with the company. We looked at many different options around getting more funding or even being acquired by another company, but none came to fruition, so we decided to close down the company as gracefully as we could. It’s not been an easy few weeks (or months, in fact), but I’ve pretty much come to peace with the decision.

I’ll be writing more posts about what happened, how we got there, and the rest, but here’s a quick version of what happened, as I posted in an internal chat room:

While pretty much everybody believes that Confidential Computing is on its way, there’s also general agreement in the market that it’s not ready for major market adoption for 12 or more months. This is partly due to the fact that the tech is still regarded as immature (and prone to vulnerabilities) and also largely because the recessionary pressures on all sectors mean that organisations are protecting their core existing services, rather than betting money on new tech. VCs are into “ARR”: Annual Recurring Revenue. They want to see fast growth, and paid pilots with (even with big players) which don’t lead to fast scaling of the business aren’t considered sufficient. The amount of money available wouldn’t have been sufficient to allow us to grow and defend a market share in order to get to the next funding round. We also looked at acquisition, but nobody was ready to bet on new tech to the extent of buying the company: again, because they’re defending their existing services and staff (and, in many cases, laying people off already).

Me, on internal Profian chat room

I’m currently focussing on four things:

  1. helping the extremely talented Profian team find new jobs;
  2. winding the company down;
  3. taking some time to recover from the past few months – emotionally, mentally and physically;
  4. starting to look for a new job for myself.

If you can help with #1 or #4, please get in touch. Otherwise, keep an eye out on this blog, and expect more posts. See you soon.

Enarx hits 750 stars

Yesterday, Enarx, the open source security project of which I’m co-founder and for which Profian is custodian, gained its 750th GitHub star. This is an outstanding achievement, and I’m very proud of everyone involved. Particular plaudits to Nathaniel McCallum, my co-founder for Enarx and Profian, Nick Vidal, the community manager for Enarx, everyone who’s been involved in committing code, design, tests and documentation for the project, and everyone who manages the running of the project and its infrastructure. We’ve been lucky enough to be joined by a number of stellar interns along the way, who have also contributed enormously to the project.

Enarx has also been supported by a number of organisations and companies, and it’s worth listing as many of them as I can think of:

  • Profian, the current custodian
  • Red Hat, under whose auspices the initial development began
  • the Confidential Computing Consortium, a Linux Foundation Project, which owns the project
  • Equinix, who have donated computing resources
  • PhoenixNAP, who have donated computing resources
  • Rocket.Chat, who have donated chat resources
  • Intel, who have worked with us along the way and donated various resources
  • AMD, who have worked with us along the way and donated various resources
  • Outreachy, with whom worked to get some of our fine interns

When it all comes down to it, however, it’s the community that makes the project. We strive to create a friendly, open community, and we want more and more people to get involved. To that end, we’ll soon be announcing some new ways to get involved with trying and using Enarx, in association with Profian. Keep an eye out, and keep visiting and giving us stars!

Back in the (conference) groove

Ah, yes: conferences. We love them, we hate them.

Ah, yes: conferences. We love them, we hate them, but they used to be part of the job, and they’re coming back. At least in the IT world that I inhabit, things are beginning to start happening in person again. I attended my first conference in over two years in Valencia a couple of weeks ago: Kubecon + CloudNativeCon Europe. I’d not visited Valencia before, and it’s a lovely city. I wasn’t entirely well (I’m taking a while to recover from Covid-19 – cannot recommend), which didn’t help, but we had some great meetings, Nathaniel (my Enarx & Profian co-founder) spoke at the co-located WasmDay event on WASI networking, and I got to walk the exhibition hall picking up (small amounts) of swag (see Buying my own t-shirts, OR “what I miss about conferences”).

For the last few years, when I’ve been attending conferences, I’ve been doing it as the employee of a large company – Red Hat and Intel – and things are somewhat different when you’re attending as a start-up. We (Profian) haven’t exhibited at any conferences yet (keep an eye out for announcements on social media for that), but you look at things with a different eye when you’re a start-up – or at least I do.

One of the differences, of course, is that as CEO, my main focus has to be on the business side, which means that attending interesting talks on mildly-related technologies isn’t likely to be a good use of my time. That’s not always true – we’re not big enough to send that many people to these conferences, so it may be that I’m the best person available to check out something which we need to put on our radar – but I’m likely to restrict my session attendance to one of three types of session:

  1. a talk by a competitor (or possible competitor) to understand what they’re doing and how (and whether) we should react.
  2. a talk by a possible customer or representative from a sector in which we’re interested, to find understand possible use cases.
  3. a talk about new advances or applications of the technologies in which we’re interested.

There will, of course, also be business-related talks, but so many of these are aimed at already-established companies that it’s difficult to find ones with obvious applicability.

What else? Well, there are the exhibition halls, as I mentioned. Again, we’re there to look at possible competitors, but also to assess possible use cases. These aren’t just likely to be use cases associated with potential customers – in fact, given the marketing dollars (euros, pounds, etc.) funnelled into these events, it’s likely to be difficult to find clear statements of use cases, let alone discover the right person to talk to on the booth. More likely, in fact, is finding possible partners or licensees among the attendees: realising that there are companies out there with a product or offering to which we could add value. Particularly for smaller players, there’s a decent chance that you might find someone with sufficient technical expertise to assess whether there might be fit.

What else? Well, meetings. On site, off site: whichever fits. Breakfast, cocktails or dinner seem to be preferred. as lunch can be tricky, and there aren’t always good places to sit for a quiet chat. Investors – VCs and institutional capital – realise that conferences are a good place to meet with their investees or potential investees. The same goes for partners for whom setting aside a whole day of meetings with a start-up makes little obvious sense (and it probably doesn’t make sense for us to fly over specially meet them either), but for whom finding a slot to discuss what’s going on and the state of the world is a good investment of their time if they’re already attending an event.

So – that’s what I’m going to be up to at events from now on, it seems. If you’re interested in catching up, I’ll be at RSA in San Francisco, Open Source Summit in Austin and Scale 19x in San Antonio in the next couple of months, with more to come. Do get in touch: it’s great to meet folks!

Emotional about open source

Enarx is available to all, usable by all.

Around October 2019, Nathaniel McCallum and I founded the Enarx project. Well, we’d actually started it before then, but it’s around then that the main GitHub repo starts showing up, when I look at available info. In the middle of 2021, we secured funding a for a start-up (now named Profian), and since then we’ve established a team of engineers to work on the project, which is itself part of the Confidential Computing Consortium. Enarx is completely open source, and that’s really central to the project. We want (and need) the community to get involved, try it out, improve it, and use it. And, of course, if it’s not open source, you can’t trust it, and that’s really important for security.

The journey has been hard at times, and there were times when we nearly gave up on the funding, but neither Nathaniel nor I could see ourselves working on anything else – we really, truly believe that there’s something truly special going on, and we want to bring it to the world. I’m glad (and relieved) that we persevered. Why? Because last week, on Thursday, was the day that this came true for me. The occasion was OC3, a conference in Confidential Computing organised by Edgeless Systems. I was giving a talk on Understanding trust relationships for Confidential Computing, which I was looking forward to, but Nick Vidal, Community Manager for the Enarx project, also had a session earlier on. His session was entitled From zero to hero: making Confidential Computing accessible, and wasn’t really his at all: it was taken up almost entirely by interns in the project, with a brief introduction and summing up by Nick.In his introduction, Nick explained that he’d be showing several videos recorded by the interns of demos they had recorded. These demos took the Enarx project and ran applications that the (they interns) had created within Keeps, using the WebAssembly runtime provided within Enarx. The interns and their demos were:

  • TCP Echo Server (Moksh Pathak & Deepanshu Arora) – Mosksh and Deepanshu showed two demos: a ROT13 server which accepts connections, reads text from them and returns the input, ROT13ed; and a simple echo server.
  • Fibonacci number generator (Jennifer Chukwu) – a simple Fibonacci number generator running in a Keep
  • Machine learning with decision tree algorithm on Diabetes data set (Jennifer Kumar & Ajay Kumar) – implementation of Machine Learning, operating on a small dataset.
  • Zero Knowledge Proof using Bulletproof (Shraddha Inamdar) – implementation of a Zero Knowledge Proof with verification.

What is exciting about these demos is several-fold:

  1. three of them have direct real-world equivalent use cases:
    1. The ROT13 server, while simple, could be the basis for an encryption/decryptions service.
    2. the Machine Learning service is directly relevant to organisations who wish to run ML workloads in the Cloud, but need assurances that the data is confidentiality and integrity protected.
    3. the Zero Knowledge Proof demo provides an example of a primitive required for complex transaction services.
  2. none of the creators of the demos knew anything about Confidential Computing until a few months ago.
  3. none of the creators knew much – if anything – about WebAssembly before coming to the project.
  4. none of the creators is a software engineering professional (yet!). They are all young people with an interest in the field, but little experience.

What this presentation showed me is that what we’re building with Enarx (though it’s not even finished at this point) is a framework that doesn’t require expertise to use. It’s accessible to beginners, who can easily write and deploy applications with obvious value. This is what made me emotional: Enarx is available to all, usable by all. Not just security experts. Not just Confidential Computing gurus. Everyone. We always wanted to build something that would simplify access to Confidential Computing, and that’s what we, the community, have brought to the world.

I’m really passionate about this, and I’d love to encourage you to become passionate about it, too. If you’d like to know more about Enarx, and hopefully even try it yourself, here are some ways to do just that;

  • visit our website, with documentation, examples and a guide to getting started
  • join our chat and then one of our stand-ups
  • view the code over at GitHub (and please star the project: it encourages more people to get involved!)
  • read the Enarx blog
  • watch the video of the demos.

I’d like to finish this post by thanking not only the interns who created the demos, but also Nick Vidal, for the incredible (and tireless!) work he’s put into helping the interns and into growing the community. And, of course, everyone involved in the project for their efforts in getting us to where we are (and the vision to continue to the next exciting stages: subscribe to this blog for upcoming details).